Releasing Our 2018 Financial Statements & End of Year Report
24 Sep 2019
Open Privacy was founded on the belief that the world can be better. We started as a group of researchers and technologists who were frustrated by the ever growing stranglehold of surveillance capitalism and the harm it was causing marginalized and at-risk communities. We wanted to build an organization that served those that mainstream groups ignore: sex workers, queer people, those impacted by intimate parter or family abuse, and human rights activists, to name just a few.
On the 11th February 2018 we officially incorporated the Open Privacy Research Society as a non profit society in B.C. The response we received from the community was overwhelming, within hours our inbox was filled with emails ranging from congratulations to offers of donations, volunteer support and interest in joining our board.
Over our first year we put in place the infrastructure necessary to sustain our unique research society. We have built relationships within and across communities. We conducted innovative research in the field of metadata resistant communications and made significant headway in understanding how to deploy such technology in the real world.
As we move through our second year as a society I want to thank all of our supporters, institutional donors, volunteers and staff. Without you Open Privacy and the vital work we do, could not (and would not) exist.
Our mission has only just begun, and I invite you to join us again as we continue to gain momentum and help build a better world.
In-keeping with our mission and tenets, in particular our commitment to transparency as an organization I am delighted to release our full End of Year Report and our Notice to the Reader financial statements for our 2018 financial year (11th February 2018 - 10th February 2019).
Thank you for your continued support.
Sarah Jamie Lewis
Executive Director, Open Privacy Research Society