Discreet Log: January 2023!
31 Jan 2023
Welcome to Discreet Log for January 2023!
Discreet Log is our monthly digest providing a summary of the research, projects and tools that we work on at Open Privacy.
In this edition we want to tell you about all the exciting new Cwtch Development Logs that have been released this month - including news of Cwtch Stable and Reproducible Builds! -and how to follow Cwtch updates across social media.
Path to Cwtch Stable
The Cwtch Dev Team started January by releasing a development log that outlined the general principles that are guiding the development of Cwtch Stable, the obstacles that prevent a stable Cwtch release, and a roadmap that they are following to tackle them.
As Cwtch moves out of Beta and towards Stable it is time to revisit previous design decisions with both the benefit of hindsight, and years of real-world testing. Following the roadmap post was another that set out upcoming changes to the core Cwtch API in preparation for Cwtch Stable.
Cwtch Reproducible Builds and Repliqate
Open source code is only one defense against malicious actors who might seek to undermine your privacy and security. The Cwtch team are working towards making all parts of Cwtch reproducible and verifiable.
As part of that effort, on January 20th the Cwtch Team announced that they had reached the milestone of reproducible builds for Linux and Windows Cwtch bindings with additional work carried out in preparation for reproducible Android bindings.
In the same post they announced a new Open Privacy project: Repliqate, a tool that makes it easy to construct isolated build environments, powered by Qemu and a standard Debian Cloud Image distribution.
The Cwtch Team now provides Repliqate build-scripts for reproducible both Linux libCwtch.so builds, and Windows libCwtch.dll builds!
Cwtch UI Platform Support
To close out the month the team published a Cwtch development log detailing the current state of Cwtch platform support, and how the Cwtch team plans to make platform support decisions for Cwtch Stable.
New Social Media
As we announced in the last Discreet Log, you can now follow both Open Privacy and Cwtch on Mastodon!
- Open Privacy: https://hachyderm.io/@openprivacy
- Cwtch: https://fosstodon.org/@cwtch
In addition, we have recently launched a Cwtch.im Instagram for some of the more visual aspects of Cwtch development.
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